Tuesday, April 8, 2008

NKF: HCV Outbreaks at Dialysis Units Linked to Outmoded Infection Control

DALLAS, April 7 -- Four outbreaks of hepatitis C at dialysis centers were caused by infection control practices that disregarded CDC recommendations, according to an investigation by the agency. Each outbreak was associated with at least two and as many as six practices that did not conform to CDC recommendations for infection control at dialysis centers, the agency's Nicola Thompson, Ph.D., reported at the National Kidney Foundation's spring clinical meetings here. Practices commonly associated with HCV infection at dialysis centers include re-use of IV medication vials and contamination of equipment and the environment by use of mobile carts and inadequate cleaning, she noted.
full article >> http://www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/NKF/tb/9027

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