Monday, November 19, 2007

St. Jude possibly most bruised by Medtronic's ICD lead recall

By AMANDA PEDERSEN Medical Device Daily Staff Writer

If last month’s recall by Medtronic (Minneapolis) of its Sprint Fidelis leads was a “kick in the shins” — as one expert called it at the time — to the implantable cardioverter defibrillation (ICD) market, then St. Jude (St. Paul, Minnesota) may receive the biggest bruise.
Medtronic pulled its Fidelis family of ICD leads — thin wires connecting the defibrillator to the heart — in October because they may break inside the body (Medical Device Daily, Oct. 16, 2007).
Since the recall, St. Jude’s Riata leads have come under heavy scrutiny as rumors quickly began to surface about the devices being next in line for a recall.

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